Dog Man
The Dog Man movie follows the adventures of Dog Man, a unique and heroic character who is a blend of both dog and man. Created after a police officer and his dog are injured in an accident, Dog Man is born. As the protector of his city, Dog Man is committed to keeping the peace and fighting crime. The movie focuses on Dog Man’s ongoing battle with the infamous feline supervillain Petey the Cat, who is determined to cause chaos and undermine Dog Man’s efforts. Throughout the story, Dog Man remains steadfast in his mission to protect his city from Petey’s evil schemes while also dealing with his own complex identity as both a man and a dog. With plenty of action and humor, the movie explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and justice as Dog Man doggedly pursues his villainous adversary.
Dog Man’s journey is not just about battling villains, but also about understanding who he is. As someone who was once a regular police officer, he grapples with his new hybrid existence. This identity crisis gives the movie a deeper, more emotional layer as Dog Man learns to embrace both sides of his personality. His struggles with being “half-dog, half-man” create opportunities for growth and self-acceptance, showing that being different can be a strength. The movie also displays themes of teamwork, persistence, and doing the right thing, no matter the challenges. With vibrant animation, fast-paced action, and a playful tone, the Dog Man movie promises to be a fun and exciting ride for kids and families.
- Director: Peter Hastings
- Produced by: Karen Foster
- Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
- Written by: Peter Hastings, Dav Pilkey
- Based on: Dog Man by Dav Pilkey
- Production Company: DreamWorks Animation
- Distributed by: Universal Pictures
- Voice Cast: Isla Fisher, Poppy Liu, Stephen Root, Pete Davidson, Ricky Gervais, Billy Boyd, Lil Rel Howery, Paige Prater
- Running Time: 1h 29min
- Release date: January 31, 2025
- Language: English