We are living in a hard time for humanity. The appearance of a highly contagious virus, which causes a disease like COVID-19, has completely changed the way we live. Since the World Health Organization declared that we are going through a pandemic, many governments have decided to implement quarantine as a preventive measure.
During this period, authorities recommend not leaving our house unless it is strictly necessary, and people cannot visit public spaces. This has led to many schools being closed all over the world and, as an effective way to protect the education of children and young people, e-learning is gaining popularity.
What is e-Learning?
In this way, this e-learning is supported by resources such as:
– Technological devices.
– eBooks or digital texts.
– Didactic educational platforms.
– Discussion forums.
– Live chats and video conferences.
– e-Learning videos.
The latter is giving a lot to talk about, and more and more virtual schools and online tutors are implementing them. Why? The truth is that they turn out to be very beneficial and also contribute in a very positive way to the study process.
Advantages of e-Learning videos:
– This type of video allows more effective teaching since they are very instructive and transmit the content more pleasantly and entertainingly.
– E-learning videos better convey information. Unlike text, a video is capable of transmitting the course content much faster and easier. Besides, it has been found that students better assimilate what they see through images.
– They facilitate the understanding of complex and long contents thanks to the fact that they can include visual examples of concrete concepts and procedures.
– E-learning videos stimulate more sensory channels of the student, so they participate more actively in their educational process.
– They also favor memorization and have a high power to attract attention.
What is the scope of e-learning videos?
Images have been shown to greatly support the learning process. People absorb more knowledge by establishing an interactive connection to study content. Also, the videos have the particularity of including a lot of information in a short period, a fact that draws the attention of our generation since it is characterized by being constantly busy and preferring those tasks that require little time.
E-learning videos are a dynamic way to study online, especially in these quarantine days when it is recommended that children and adolescents not attend their schools to prevent the spread of the virus. Being at home does not represent a disadvantage for education as the different technological instruments that we have today help us make it possible to continue our learning process without having to move to another place.
You can take a few seconds of your day and watch an educational video to help you better understand a topic and, in this way, you will take advantage of all this preventive time at home!
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Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.
Know How It Spreads
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Respiratory droplets are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
Steps to protect yourself
Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid Close Contact
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Maintain Social Distancing – Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Avoid Social Gathering
Steps to Protect Others
Stay Home
Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care.
Cover coughs and sneezes
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash.
Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Wear a Facemask if you are sick
– If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room.
– If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers.
Clean and Disinfect
Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
When it comes to gaming, it can be said that the fastness with the world changes is just as quick as the technology in general. Now, when we talk about gaming online, gamers evolve at an even greater speed, because the Internet allows them to interact with each other and change at a different speed.
The fact that the online gaming industry is continuously changing is undeniable, and that won’t change any time soon. As we previously mentioned, technology is evolving fast, which affects trends in video games.
Regarding this, one of the newest trends when talking about online gaming is the use of a mobile device instead of a computer or laptop. This is due to the fact that most of the people own a mobile device, which makes this technology a perfect target for a gaming device. That’s one of the main reasons why some major gaming companies like Epic Games are launching their Android and iOS versions of their most famous games.
Another one of the latest trends in gaming is the use of augmented reality to improve the gaming experience. On this matter, one of the most famous examples of this is the game Pokemon GO, which became famous all over the world at an incredibly fast pace.
Mobile Gaming is the largest revenue driver for gaming companies and this hot trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. The marketplace is absolutely flooded with free-to-play games that make a fortune following a freemium business model. Mobile apps such as Fortnite: Battle Royale, PUBG Mobile, Call Of Duty, and Clash of Clans, all make massive profits by initially offering games for free and then later upselling customers to purchase extra features.
At the same time, another frequent way with which gamers connect online is by live streaming, which has become a usual trend in the gaming experience. The most used platform is Twitch, which until 2018 had more than 15 million daily active users. These type of platforms allows gamers not only to connect with fellow friends but to share with them while they are playing, which allows the game to become a social experience.
Among other famous current trends, we can find inclusive games, which are frequently asked for by gamers nowadays. Because of the cultural impact of inclusion these days, gamers want games that appeal to different genders and ethnicities. This might be due to the fact that it is now frequent that people identify themselves with different characters, and seeing that the current world is constantly adapting to gender differences, it is no surprise that games also get on this groove.
On this same aspect, another important advance in gaming trends is that now, games will become less reliant on sound effects for the game experience, hence, hearing-impaired gamers will be able to enjoy their gaming differently.
Likewise, current trends also include online gaming and casinos, which are developing more and more by the minute. Instead of simply playing the slots a lot of times, the experts are improving the gaming experience in order to make it more and more inclusive and attractive to gamers, so that it also becomes a social network with which gamers can interact with each other.
Despite all the aforementioned trends, perhaps the newest one is the currently-developing cloud gaming. This is an innovative way in which gamers don’t have to pay a lot of money for monthly subscriptions to the games because they will be able to connect via the cloud and play all they want.
Certainly, the gaming industry is growing rapidly, and with that, it’s also constantly changing. Sometimes changes happen so fast that it’s hard to even determine what’s no longer on the market and what the newest trend is. Because of that, being aware of the latest technologies when it comes to online gaming is of great importance, so that you are up to date with everything that develops in the gaming world and how the experience will get better with every improvement.
The contribution of women to the advancement of any industry is undeniable. Even the most successful companies in the world succeeded due to the right people in their workforce. There must be a gender balance in your workforce because it will bring diversity to your thoughts, ideas, and decision-making processes.
When it comes to the animation industry women, have a significant role in it. The animation industry is touching new heights of success and has made tremendous progress in the last few years, but still, the imbalance of women in the industry is challenging and hard to ignore. The animation industry was valued at 259 billion in 2018, and it is expected that it will be shooting up to 280 billion in 2020. According to the survey conducted by Women in Animation, an advocacy group, 60% of animation students in the US and Europe are women, but there is a drop rate of 20%-40% as they move onto the professional animation industry.
Women are present in production roles but not directorial and technical roles. In almost all the top creative animation studios, the creative leads are always men, especially compositors, FX artists, and generalists. Thus arises a question, why there is a lack of female animators? Many cited it as an issue of confidence that emanates from centuries of oppression of women, or the typical male domination in all the powerful positions that is going on until the end of the time.
Talking about gender, you might be thinking about who is dominating the industry. Men or women? Well, it is sad to hear that there is still a gender imbalance in the industry. Men are leading the industry, with 75% of the population, which is a significant concern. According to statistics, 60% of the students studying animation courses in different animation schools and institutes are women, but why are men leading the industry? Well, when this question was raised back in 2018 the most common reason that was found is that most of the women lost interest in the field after completing their studies causing a significant drop in the population of women in the animation industry.
The industry is full of creative women, and we have to make a strenuous effort to work with female talent, thus supporting them to develop their unique talents, voices, and experiences in the creative industry. However, once they have their foot in the industry, their experiences are mostly optimistic and assured. It’s only a matter of encouraging women to climb up the ladder and reach that top position. Through the initiatives carried out by Animated Women, free the Bid, and WIA, there is a new ray of hope for women in the animation industry.
Now in 2020, trends are changing, and the media is paying particular attention to women. It is already positively impacting the animation industry. A lot of female animators are getting inspired by their pioneers in the animation industry. Though males seemed to be leading the animation industry in the past, Still, there were several female animators who worked very hard for the industry, and their works cannot be forgotten. They are serving as an inspiration for today’s women, and their practices are still used as an inspiration for new animators in different 2d animation studios.
On this International Women’s Day, Prayan Animation Studio, one of the Leading Creative 2D Animation Studio in India is saluting all the women’s talents in the animation industry. We provide equal opportunities to both men and women and have earned significant fame in the animation industry. Our 2D and 3D animation services are the best in the market. Visit https://www.prayananimation.com/ to have a look at the best animators’ work. Prayan Animation provides high-quality services to small and large businesses that need animations and graphics work. If you are looking for fast and reliable services, then Prayan Animations is the best choice for you.
Toy Story 4, the long-awaited next chapter in the saga of Woody and Buzz, won Best Animated Feature at the Oscars held this month. Featuring the voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, and Tony Hale, among many others, the film sees the introduction of a new toy, Forky (Hale), who becomes lost on a road trip, prompting Woody (Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Allen), and the rest of the team to find and save him.
The film begins with a flashback to a rainy night nine years earlier, during which Woody and a crop of Andy’s toys work to save RC from being swept away by the storm. Later that same night, Andy’s little sister, Molly, gives her porcelain Bo Peep (Annie Potts) and sheep away. Woody tries to save Bo, but she’s actually fine with being passed along to another child, so the two say goodbye. Fast-forward to the toys’ current home with rising kindergartner Bonnie (Madeleine McGraw).
Although Woody isn’t one of Bonnie’s favorite toys, she prefers Jessie, he stows away in her backpack to comfort her through school orientation, where he helps her make a special toy: a Spork with googly eyes, pipe cleaner arms, and Popsicle stick feet whom she names “Forky.” Forky unexpectedly comes to life, but, despite Woody’s explanations, he believes he’s trash and keeps trying to throw himself in the garbage. While the family is on a road trip, Forky flees, Woody follows to get him back, and the two bond as they make their way back to Bonnie. But the plan goes sideways when Woody sees Bo Peep’s lamp on display in an antique store, and Forky ends up being held hostage by 1950s baby doll Gabby Gabby (Christina Hendricks), who has designs on Woody’s vintage voice box.
Toy Story 4 is a testament to how rich those characters are. It’s a story about a guy who is afraid to be replaced. At a certain point, everyone feels that. What the producers of Toy Story 4 did with Woody in this one, is put him in a place where he could have a second lease on life. Toy Story 4 might be a repeat of earlier ideas and plotlines but comparing it to the fourth film in other franchises, this film by Pixar is quite charming, amusing, and In a whole different league. Still, on separation and loss, Toy Story 4 remains funny, inventive, clever, and a richly endearing film that just shows its strength.
The show exceeded expectations while breaking the franchise’s box office record. Pixar proved there was definitely one more story to tell about Woody’s existential journey. A Story on change and growth, with Bo Peep and Forky as the catalysts. The production studio upped its animation, from the porcelain shepherdess to the complex antique shop, and delivered a bittersweet climax. This sequel definitely justified its existence. Talk about having a friend, “Toy Story 4” has become the first franchise to earn two animated film Oscars.
The Oscars tend to draw the most attention to the big-ticket categories but this year the winner for the best animated short movie rose to prominence. Hair Love is a six-minute video that revolves around an African-American father Stephen, his daughter Zuri, and her natural hair.
Directed and written by Matthew Cherry, featuring the voice of Issa Rae, Hair Love the “frontrunner” in the Best Animated Short Film category was nominated alongside Daughter, Memorable, Sister, and Kitbull. The vibrant and emotional film follows a young girl named Zuri who just wants one thing: her hair done. In the absence of a mother figure and with a head full of natural curls, she must refer to YouTube tutorials and the inexperienced hands of her father for help.
While it may seem like a simple premise, the storyline speaks volumes to the Black community. Not only was there the inspiring element of a young African American girl embracing her hair, but it offered the rare opportunity of showing a Black family depicted in animation with the father being shown in a positive light. Despite having long locks, Stephen is unable to style his daughter’s hair which seems like something he is not used to and on this particular day before the big event, he has to figure out how. The tasks sound simple enough but we soon come to learn that Zuri’s hair has a mind of its own.
Stephen decides to take the easy road by covering it up with a bunny but this makes the hair so angry and even leads to a fight between the two which is hilarious. After the struggle we see Stephen giving himself a chance to learn how to style Zuri’s hair by following a vlog and it turns out great. Family and illness are delicate issues, especially when they involve a mother, but this colorful video made by Matthew A. Cherry has hit the nail on the head: we can’t help anyone feel better if we neglect ourselves.
A hair tutorial, a little hairspray, and some hairpins seem like nothing, but often they are enough to remind us that, even if you can no longer recognize yourself when you look in the mirror, even if you are ashamed of that hairless head, even if you can’t understand why and accept it, your loved ones still see you. It’s not just hair; life waits for you out there, made of simple everyday things. With or without a major studio attached, the message of inclusivity and love behind the film has been constant from day one.
Even though the film features an African-American daughter and her dad, it’s a universal story. Parents everywhere can relate to it in the same way kids of all ethnicities can. It’s an important story because representation matters. With all the conversation around the OscarsSoWhite and the much-needed demand for more diversity in Hollywood, this nomination couldn’t have a better platform to drive home the importance of representation.
Greed, class discrimination, and a mysterious interloper threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.
In Gotham’s fractured society, a young man longs to be a stand-up comic but finds the joke is always on him. Caught in a cycle of apathy, cruelty, and ultimately, betrayal, the comedian makes one bad decision after another, bringing about a chain reaction of escalating events.
Thirty years after she shot to stardom, showbiz legend Judy Garland arrives in London to perform a five-week sold-out run of shows. As she prepares her act, fights with management, charms musicians, and reminisces with friends and fans, her wit and warmth shine through.
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
In Los Angeles in 1969, aging TV star Rick Dalton and his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth struggle to make their way around an industry and a city they hardly recognize anymore.
Marriage Story
A young creative couple and their son navigate the tricky waters of bicoastal separation and impending divorce.
Woody and the gang go on a road trip with the new toy Forky, who’s convinced he’s trash and doesn’t yet understand his role in the world. Along the way, Woody is unexpectedly reunited with independent spirit Bo Peep and finds himself faced with a decision and a future, he never imagined.
During World War I, two British soldiers are sent on a dangerous mission to stop an attack by the British 7th Division that will result in a massacre by the Germans. Their assignment takes on extra urgency as one of the young soldiers’ brothers is fighting in that Division.
In the late 1860s, burgeoning author Jo March looks back on her and her three sisters’ Massachusetts childhoods and the events and relationships that helped shape them as adults.
Greed, class discrimination, and a mysterious interloper threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.
Kazu Hiro, Anne Morgan, and Vivian Baker
Three women take on the controversial media empire Fox News and face off against the powerful man who created it.
Steven Bognar, Julia Reichert and Jeff Reichert
In post-industrial Ohio, a Chinese billionaire opens a new factory in the husk of an abandoned GM plant and hires 2,000 blue-collar Americans. Early days of hope and optimism give way to setbacks as high-tech China clashes with working-class America.
Carol Dysinger and Elena Andreicheva
Over the course of 15 years, a class of young girls from disadvantaged neighborhoods in war-torn Kabul, learn to read and write and grow together in confidence through the joy of skateboarding.
Michael McCusker and Andrew Buckland
Visionary auto designer Carroll Shelby and race car driver Ken Miles team up to build a high-performance race car for the Ford Motor Company, hoping to defy the odds and defeat the dominant Ferrari at the 1966 Le Mans.
Hildur Guðnadóttir
In Gotham’s fractured society, a young man longs to be a stand-up comic but finds the joke is always on him. Caught in a cycle of apathy, cruelty, and ultimately, betrayal, the comedian makes one bad decision after another, bringing about a chain reaction of escalating events.
Music by Elton John, Lyric by Bernie Taupin
Shy piano prodigy Reginald Dwight embarks on a career in music, transforming into international superstar Elton John, an iconic figure in pop culture.
Production Design: Barbara Ling; Set Decoration: Nancy Haigh
In Los Angeles in 1969, aging TV star Rick Dalton and his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth struggle to make their way around the industry and a city they hardly recognize anymore.
Matthew A. Cherry and Karen Rupert Toliver
An African-American father learns to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.
Marshall Curry
The life of a middle-aged woman with small children is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street.
Donald Sylvester
Visionary auto designer Carroll Shelby and race car driver Ken Miles team up to build a high-performance race car for the Ford Motor Company, hoping to defy the odds and defeat the dominant Ferrari at the 1966 Le Mans.
Mark Taylor and Stuart Wilson
Guillaume Rocheron, Greg Butler, and Dominic Tuohy
During World War I, two British soldiers are sent on a dangerous mission to stop an attack by the British 7th Division that will result in a massacre by the Germans. Their assignment takes on extra urgency as one of the young soldiers’ brothers is fighting in that Division.
Screenplay by Taika Waititi
During World War II, a lonely German boy’s world is turned upside down when he discovers his single mother is hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic. Aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend Adolf Hitler, Jojo must confront his blind nationalism.
Screenplay by Bong Joon Ho, Han Jin Won
Story by Bong Joon Ho
Greed, class discrimination, and a mysterious interloper threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.
Presented by AMPAS, that is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the 92nd Academy Awards ceremony (92nd Oscars) will honor the best films of 2019 on the 9th of February and will take place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. Nominated for the best-animated feature films are Toy Story 4, Missing Link, I Lost My Body, How to Train Your Dragon, and Klaus.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Film Synopsis
All seems well on the island of Berk as Vikings and dragons live together in peace and harmony. Now a Viking leader, Hiccup finds himself increasingly attracted to Astrid, while his beloved dragon Toothless meets an enchanting creature who captures his eye. When the evil Grimmel launches a devious plan to wipe out all the dragons, Hiccup must unite both clans to find Caldera, a hidden land that holds the key to saving Toothless and his flying friends.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is an incredible finale of the film franchise and a moving farewell to these amazing humans and dragons. Since 2010 we have watched the young characters grow and still remain joyously funny. The finale added mature notes on their friendship bringing in more complex themes than before making the conclusion truly satisfying yet bittersweet which for me deserves an Oscar.
Missing Link
Film Synopsis
Tired of living a solitary life in the Pacific Northwest, Mr Link, who is 8 feet tall and covered in fur, recruits fearless explorer Sir Lionel Frost to guide him on a journey to find his long-lost relatives in the fabled valley of Shangri-La. Along with adventurer Adelina Fortnight, the trio encounters their fair share of peril as they travel to the far reaches of the world. Through it all, they learn that sometimes one can find a family in the places one least expects.
The fifth feature from stop-motion animation studio Laika, producers of The Two Strings, Caroline, and Kubo, – the missing link, is a facetious, quick-witted dismantling of British colonialism. The film has an all-star voice cast which includes Zöe Saldana, and Zach Galifianakis Hugh Jackman, who seem to have great vocal chemistry together and bring out an amazing performance. While the story is fairly simple, it’s quite captivating to kids for its relativity with a master-class execution in children’s filmmaking.
Toy Story 4
Film Synopsis
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and the rest of the gang embark on a road trip with Bonnie and a new toy named Forky. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woody’s slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that they’re worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.
Toy Story 4 might be a repeat of earlier ideas and plotlines but comparing it to the fourth film in other franchises, this film by Pixar is quite charming, amusing, and In a whole different league. With separation and loss as the key themes all throughout the sequel, Toy Story 4 still remains funny, inventive, clever, and a richly endearing film that just shows its strength.
Film Synopsis
After proving himself to be the worst postman at the academy, a postman is posted to a frozen town in the North where he discovers Santa Claus is hiding out.
Klaus, a holiday movie with roots in bridge building, friendship, and the dying art of writing letters sure did entertain and amuse viewers all thanks to the expressive voice cast and its impressive animation. Yes, there are some truly weird characters, references to alcohol, rude humor, mean names, and even a questionable amount of animated brutality but these things have been used to illustrate the importance of kindness and how powerful selfishness can be which are great lessons. It may not be a movie that you would want your children to see but it definitely has the potential to initiate some positive conversations.
I Lost My Body
Film Synopsis
A cut-off hand escapes from a dissection lab with one crucial goal: to get back to its body. As it scrambles through the pitfalls of Paris, it remembers its life with the young man it was once attached to, until they met Gabrielle.
The film I Lost My Body is probably one of the most original and creative animated films to ever grace the animation world. I Lost My Body closely examines the concept of determinism versus free will to help understand how fate affects the human condition. The film also offers a very important lesson. As humans, we tend to think that our paths in life ought to be straight from where we stand to where to want to be and forget that there are turns, twists, and unexpected challenges that come with unexpected rewards. So we must be ready to follow our paths to wherever they lead. As one character Naoufel says, we run blindly and keep our fingers crossed.
Prayan Animation is all about excellence, passion, creativity, and flexibility. Over the past 7 years, we offered the best service in 2d and 3 d Animation, Infographic Animations, Children’s book & Comic Book Illustrations, TV commercials, digital production & post-production services – conceptual design, game content, cutting-edge techniques & technology for production, architectural visualizations and corporate presentations. With the best creative team, we think out of the box on every project and deliver high-quality creative outputs beyond client expectations. We are passionate about our craft and it forced us to challenge ourselves to deliver the best impression on every work.
Are you looking for the best anime list to watch? 2019 was an excellent year for the world of animation. The list below contains some of the best anime list of 2019.
The Best Anime List to Watch in 2019
1. Mob Psycho 100 II
This is one of the most exciting anime of 2019. It premiered on January 7, and Yuzuru Tachikawa directed it. Besides that, the main character is Shiego Kagayema, who is also known as Mob. Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama is now maturing and understanding his role as a supernatural psychic who has the power to drastically affect the livelihood of others. He and his mentor Reigen Arataka continue to deal with supernatural requests from clients, whether it be exorcising evil spirits or tackling urban legends that haunt the citizens.
2. Sarazanmai
If you are looking for the most bizarre anime, then Sarazanmai wins the day. It was released on April 6 and directed by Lapin track. After the noble Kappa Kingdom falls to the Otter Empire, the Kappa prince Keppi loses much of his power and becomes helpless against the unseen Kapa-zombies. These zombies plague the world and are the creations of the Otters and manifestations of people’s deepest desires. With no other choice, Keppi must rely on three young boys: Kazuki Yasaka, who must carry a box with him wherever he goes; Enta Jinnai, Kazuki’s childhood friend; and Tooi Kuji, a delinquent and a school truant.
3. My Hero Academia Season 4
Watch Izuku Midoriya’s journey as he seeks the quest to become a professional hero. After successfully passing his Provisional Hero License Exam, Izuku “Deku” Midoriya seeks out an extracurricular internship with a professional hero agency. At the recommendation of his mentor All Might, Midoriya lands a position under All Might’s former sidekick, Sir Nighteye, now a famous hero in his own right. My Hero Academia has 4 season anime list. As Midoriya’s classmates further their own abilities through various internships, up-and-coming villain Kai Chisaki utilizes his terrifying powers to gather favor in the criminal underworld. Known by the moniker Overhaul, Chisaki’s ambitions collide with the League of Villains and its leader, Tomura Shigaraki. My Hero Academia is one of the best anime in this anime list.
4. The Promised Neverland
Catch a fantastic adventure of an 11-year-old girl known as Emma who lives in a mysterious estate together with her friends. Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their “Mama,” Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family… never to be heard from again.
5. Dororo
Catch all the actions caused by a terrible plague in warring states Japan. Tezuka Productions and Mappa produce this animation. The greedy samurai lord Daigo Kagemitsu’s land is dying, and he would do anything for power, even renounce Buddha and make a pact with demons. His prayers are answered by 12 demons who grant him the power he desires by aiding his prefecture’s growth but at a price. When Kagemitsu’s first son is born, the boy has no limbs, no nose, no eyes, no ears, nor even skin—yet still, he lives. This child is disposed of in a river and forgotten. But as luck would have it, he is saved by a medicine man who provides him with prosthetics and weapons, allowing him to survive and fend for himself.
6. O Maidens in Your Savage Season
This is one of the best anime of 2019 because it covers many themes O Maidens premiered in July 2019. When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive.
7. Carole & Tuesday
Bones production plus Shinichiro Watanabe is a complete banger. You have to check this one out. It has been 50 years since mankind began its migration to the terraformed Mars, where they live in the comforts of advancement in AI. Carole lives in the metropolis of Alaba City, working part-time by day and playing the keyboard by night. Tuesday has run away from her home in Hershell City to escape the grip of her wealthy family and instead hopes to pursue music with her acoustic guitar.
8. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Will Tanjiro Kamado avenge his family’s grisly murder? Ever since the death of his father, the burden of supporting the family has fallen upon Tanjirou Kamado’s shoulders. Though living impoverished on a remote mountain, the Kamado family is able to enjoy a relatively peaceful and happy life. One day, Tanjirou decides to go down to the local village to make a little money selling charcoal. On his way back, night falls, forcing Tanjirou to take shelter in the house of a strange man, who warns him of the existence of flesh-eating demons that lurk in the woods at night.
9. Blade of the Immortal
Watch the second Hiroaki adaptation anime. Manji is an immortal swordsman, who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other than those of killing, thus he forms a plan to regain his mortality: he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed. The old witch who afflicted Manji with immortality agrees to Manji’s proposition and Manji is set on his path to kill one thousand evil men. On his journey, he meets a young girl, Rin, who has her own vengeance to seek against the sword school whose members slaughtered Rin’s family. Rin and Manji journey together, each hoping to find some kind of peace. In their way are many varied enemies. Rin and Manji are almost constantly under attack and must learn to live their lives, avoiding being consumed by revenge.
10. Fire Force
Released on July 5, this anime is set in an alternate universe. Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as prokinetics—people gifted with the ability to manipulate and control their flames while remaining human. To combat the Infernal threat and discover the cause, the Tokyo Armed Forces, Fire Defense Agency, and Holy Church of Sol produced their answer: the Special Fire Force.
11. No Guns life
It’s time for action. No Guns Life is one of the best action animes of 2019. The technology to create powerful cyborg soldiers has been released for public use by the Berühren Corporation. Those outfitted with robotic parts are known as the Extended. Juuzou Inui, one such Extended, was created as a soldier and has no memories of his former life. But now, after the war, he runs a business that takes care of Extended-related incidents around the city.
12. Vinland Saga
If you a looking for a fictional series, then Vinland Saga is one of the best. Young Thorfinn grew up listening to the stories of old sailors who had traveled the ocean and reached the place of legend, Vinland. It’s said to be warm and fertile, a place where there would be no need for fighting—not at all like the frozen village in Iceland where he was born, and certainly not like his current life as a mercenary. War is his home now. Though his father once told him, “You have no enemies, nobody does. There is nobody who it’s okay to hurt,” as he grew, Thorfinn knew that nothing was further from the truth.
13. Babylon
Babylon is a unique anime because, rather than science fiction or supernatural elements. In the newly formed Shiniki district of Tokyo, Zen Seizaki is a diligent public prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. Assigned to a case involving false advertisement, Zen—along with his assistant officer, Atsuhiko Fumio—investigated Japan Supiri, a pharmaceutical company that had provided fabricated clinical research on the company’s new drug. While investigating the file of Shin Inaba, an anesthesiologist connected to the crime, the case takes a dark turn when Zen finds a page stained with a mixture of blood, hair, and skin, along with the letter “F” scribbled all across the sheet. As he investigates further, the case goes beyond Zen’s imagination and becomes vastly complex, challenging his sense of justice and his knowledge of the truth.
14. Dr. Stone
In a sci-fi adventure manga, After five years of harboring unspoken feelings, high-schooler Taiju Ooki is finally ready to confess his love to Yuzuriha Ogawa. Just when Taiju begins his confession, however, a blinding green light strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind around the world—turning every single human into stone. Several millennia later, Taiju awakens to find the modern world completely nonexistent, as nature has flourished in the years humanity stood still.
15. Aggretsuko Season 2
This is one of the best animes available on Netflix. Whether it be facing misogynistic remarks from her boss or being pressured by condescending co-workers, stress is just another part of the job for 25-year-old red panda Retsuko. Despite being one of the most diligent workers in her office, her diminutiveness and modesty often lead her to be exploited by her colleagues.
16. Rilakkuma and Kaoru
This is one of the best charming social life animes. Her life might be a little mundane, but Kaoru gets to go home to Rilakkuma, her endearingly lazy roommate who happens to be a fuzzy toy bear.
17. One Punch Man Season 2
Watch the anthology swirling around a vigilante at a school. This anime is an absolute slow-burn supernatural thriller. In the wake of defeating Boros and his mighty army, Saitama has returned to his unremarkable everyday life in Z-City. However, unbeknownst to him, the number of monsters appearing is still continuing on the rise, putting a strain on the Hero Association’s resources. Their top executives decide on the bold move of recruiting hoodlums in order to help in their battle. But during the first meeting with these potential newcomers, a mysterious man calling himself Garou makes his appearance. Claiming to be a monster, he starts mercilessly attacking the crowd.
18. Midnight Occult civil servants
Another entertaining action anime produced by Liden Films. Furthermore, this film premiered on April 7, 2019, and Tetsuya Watanabe directed it. The Nocturnal Community Relations Division is a team of people who specialize in solving cases involving the ominous occult creatures of the night unseen by ordinary humans. Young and unsuspecting Arata Miyako has been assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office of the division, where he meets his fellow members Theo Himezuka and Kyouichi Sakaki.
19. Mix: Meisei Story
Watch this fantastic thriller anime that was adapted from a real-life Shohen baseball series. Maisie’s story premiered on April 6, 2019, and it was produced and directed by OLM and Odahiro Watanabe, respectively. Because of the legend left by Tatsuya Uesugi, Meisei Academy High School was well-known for its strong baseball team. But 26 years after their glory, the team has not been able to keep their record and has since lost their fame. Two stepbrothers, Souichirou and Touma Tachibana aim to revive the once-strong Meisei Academy baseball team and enter the National High School Baseball Championship.
20. Kaguya-same: Love Is War
This anime has been adapted from a popular ongoing manga known as Love is War. So if you are looking for the best 2019 Romance anime, this might be the right one for you. At the renowned Shuchiin Academy, Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya are the student body’s top representatives. Ranked the top student in the nation and respected by peers and mentors alike, Miyuki serves as the student council president. Alongside him, Vice President Kaguya—the eldest daughter of the wealthy Shinomiya family—excels in every field imaginable. They are the envy of the entire student body, regarded as the perfect couple.
21. Boogiepop and Others
If you are looking for an exciting light novel anime, Boogiepop and others will not disappoint you. In addition, it was produced by Madhouse and directed by Shingo Natsume. Hushed exchanges among the female student populace of Shinyo Academy center around an enigmatic supernatural entity. This entity is Boogiepop, a Shinigami who is rumored to murder people at the height of their beauty before their allure wanes.
22. The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods
In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. However, a small subset of the Knights supposedly betrayed their homeland and turned their blades against their comrades in an attempt to overthrow the ruler of Liones. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights, called the “Seven Deadly Sins,” were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones.
23. Fruits Basket
One of the best anime with empathically rendered characters. Besides, Fruits Basket was first aired 18 years ago. But now it has been fully rebooted. After the accident in which she lost her mother, 16-year-old Tooru moves in with her grandfather, but due to his home being renovated, is unable to continue living with him. Claiming she will find someone to stay with but also fearing the criticism of her family and not wanting to burden any of her friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living on her own in a tent in the woods.
24. Food wars: The fourth plate
Another thrilling season of food wars is here. This animation aired from 0ctober 12 up to December 28. At Tootsuki Culinary Academy, a heated eight-on-eight Shokugeki known as the Régiment de Cuisine rages on between Central and the rebel forces led by Souma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri. Though they won a stunning perfect victory in the first bout, the rebels face an uphill battle ahead, as they must now face off against the rest of the Elite Ten Council. With the future of Tootsuki at stake, Souma and Erina must push far beyond the limits of their abilities, using everything they learned from their mentors and ultimately drawing from their experiences cooking together as friends.
25. Philosopher’s Grandson
Shin is reborn in a new world after passing on in an accident. He also learns magic from his grandfather Merlin. Catch this show and find out the kind of shenanigans he gets himself into.
In the kingdom of Earlshide, Merlin Walford was once regarded as a national hero, hailed for both his power and achievements. Preferring a quiet life, however, he secludes himself deep in the rural woods, dedicating his time to raising an orphan that he saved. This orphan is Shin, a normal salaryman in modern-day Japan who was reincarnated into Merlin’s world while still retaining his past memories. As the years pass, Shin displays unparalleled talent in both magic casting and martial arts, much to Merlin’s constant amazement.
2019 year was the best year where lots of fun, action, adventure, comedy, and slice-of-life anime were released. The best anime list is here, What are you waiting for here you can see the Best list of anime to watch.
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