‘Dreams’ Animation Short Film By Prayan Animation
“Design a greener world before it becomes a dream for our next generation!!!”
This 10th year seems very refreshing as well as special in many ways where we decided to release our short film: “Dreams” on Earth Day April 22nd. Why this particular Date? The question seems logical: Yes, we took this date purposefully as our short film’s storyline, and Earth has a strong interconnection. So it will be extremely cerebral to release our dream project on that particular date.
Dreams Animation Short Film Synopsis
Dreams; the concept parented from the dream of one of our creative encephala, that shows a minuscule action done by a small girl made a huge difference in the World Scenario.
That millisecond’s duration of a beautiful dream destroyed the sleep of our genius for days, which later transmuted into a beautiful short story. With the magical efforts of our team that Story transfigured into a wonderful and enthralling animation short film.