Fun and Educational E-Learning Activities for Kids

In an increasingly digital world, e-learning is gaining ground. More and more people are joining the universe of online education and e-learning, including those entrepreneurs who take their institutes, classes, and courses to the Internet. That looks great, right? However, there is a challenge that many must face: and it is related to e-learning activities for kids.
When you develop a course or work in an online institute, you need some tools that will help you explain the content in an appropriate and dynamic way, especially if you teach children. That is why, today, we will talk about some that will become your ongoing alternative in this regard. Pay attention to the following information!
1. Homework with interactive videos:
An interactive video is a type of video that requires the viewer to perform one or more actions. This interaction can be carried out through questionnaires, imitations, clicks, readings, and more, so you will have a wide range of exercises to assign to your students.
Interactive videos are very versatile. You can create some of the most relevant topics in class and assign them as homework. Here’s an idea: Ask the students to complete all the actions in the video, and then you can evaluate them. They will have so much fun while learning a lot!
2. Podcast analysis:
There are also podcasts for children! And the best thing about them is that, in addition to being very useful, they come in different formats, with several styles and diverse topics. Therefore, you will have many options to choose from.
Podcasts are a very useful digital tool, and they can be permanently uploaded to the web for students to download or listen to whenever they want. Suggested activity: Assign a podcast to your class about any subject (there is science, math, and more) and ask each of the children to analyze it. Then you can discuss what you learned about it! Isn’t that great?
3. Games or excursions with simulators:
Nowadays, we can find everything we could imagine on the Internet, so you have the opportunity to play with your students and take them on excursions without even leaving home. This is thanks to the simulators. Through them, you can virtually visit museums or galleries and do a lot of activities including sports, and dances, among others.
Simulations have many advantages, among them are: that they promote the development of autonomy, help to manage time, and favor decision-making. They are simply amazing! Here’s another idea: Pick a simulation activity and make a list of objectives, then help each student assess whether they met some of them (remember to give them tools and tips to do so).
These are just three of the enormous amount of activities that you can do with children through the Internet. Use the power of videos, audio productions, and technology to offer an e-learning experience like no other!