14th August: Creamsicle Day

Creamsicle Day on August 14th celebrates the creamy citrus dessert on a stick. During the height of summer, what better way to enjoy refreshment than with a creamsicle!
“Creamsicle” is the brand name of an ice cream treat. It consists of vanilla ice cream on a Popsicle stick with an outer coating of sherbert. While many other flavors now exist, the original flavor was orange.
Originally created by Frank Eppperson in 1905, this industrious, and inventive 11 year old experimented with putting fruit juice around vanilla ice cream. The original ‘Epsicle’, which later became known as a Popsicle, creamsicle and even dreamsicle, were done with just the orange juice outside. However now you can find them in a myriad of flavors, from orange to blue raspberry, lime, grape, cherry and even blueberry!