14th July: Shark Awareness Day

Shark Awareness Day is observed on July 14th every year,  highlighting the risks to Sharks in the Mediterranean region. Sharks are one of the oldest species on the planet, with fossil records showing they were cruising our oceans at least 420 million years ago. Modern-day sharks have been around for about 100 million years – even that’s back when the dinosaurs existed!

When is World Tuna Day?

It’s true that sharks are impressive hunters and predators, yet the sad fact remains that these magnificent creatures are more threatened by people than we are by sharks. The worldwide demand for shark-fin soup, shark-tooth medallions, and a false sense of security on beaches everywhere, all combine to leave sharks persecuted and endangered, with millions of them being killed each year.

When is World Octopus Day?

Shark Awareness Day was designed to provide education and awareness of how important sharks are to the ecosystem of our oceans. These informational programs are here to help people decipher shark myths from facts and identify which organizations you can work with to help make sure sharks avoid extinction!

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