16th January: International Hot and Spicy Food Day

International Hot and Spicy Food Day is an annual food feast celebrated on January 16th of every year. It is a very special day for those who love hot and spicy foods. There are lots of hot flavored dishes available throughout the world and is a day for all of us who are crazy about eating too many spicy foods. These food items are good for health with lots of medicinal benefits. International Hot and Spicy Food Day celebrate both hot, spicy dishes and those eating it.
The history, origin, and the founder of the International Hot and Spicy Food Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year from which this Day has been celebrated. However, this idea has been created by someone who might be fond of hot spicy foods. Treat your taste buds with some hottest spicy pepper foods like Naga Jolokia. Spicy foods have lots of advantages in helping a person maintain good health. The spices used like chilies, pepper, garlic, onions, allspice, oregano and more will kill the bacterias. Thus making the spicy food, you consume as a safer one. Taste any of your favorites ranging from mild to the hottest. Prefer dishes from Thai, Indian, Creole, or the Caribbean to make this celebration fun and fulfilled.
Celebrating the International Hot and Spicy Food Day is very simple. Fill your mouths with some spicy hot food items. Make your family members and friends eat the hottest of dishes to celebrate this Day. You can even prepare some traditional food items of different kinds in your home. Serve that homemade recipe to your family and enjoy shedding some water. Order from a restaurant to celebrate the Day more richly.