22nd October: Nut Day – Nutritious Snack

Nut Day is observed annually on October 22. This day is NOT about the neighbour that lives down the street or the crazy co-worker. It is a food holiday celebrating a healthy and nutritious snack.
Nuts are a highly prized food and energy source and are a primary source of nutrients for both humans and wildlife. Many of them are used in cooking, eaten raw, sprouted, or roasted as a snack food and pressed for oil that is used in cookery and cosmetics.
The fats found in nuts, for the most part, are unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated fats. Many nuts are excellent sources of vitamins E and B2. They are also rich in protein, folate fiber, and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium.
Most commonly consumed nuts are:
- Almonds
- Brazil nuts
- Cashews
- Hazelnuts
- Macadamia nuts
- Pecans
- Pine nuts
- Pistachios
- Walnuts
Several studies have shown that those who consume nuts regularly are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD). It was in 1993 that nuts were first linked to protection against CHD. Since that time, many clinical trials have found that consumption of various nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, can lower serum LDL cholesterol concentrations.
Benefits of Nuts
- A Great Source of Many Nutrients.
- Loaded With Antioxidants.
- Help for Weight Loss.
- Lower your Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
- Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.
- Help to Reduce Inflammation.
- High in Beneficial Fiber.
One study has shown that people who ate nuts lived two to three years longer than those who did not. Those who were consuming nuts may have been eating less junk food leading to a longer lifespan.