24th May: Brother’s Day

Observed every year on May 24th, Brother’s Day honors the brothers in our lives. Whether we have one or many, our brothers hold a special place in our hearts. Even if for those who don’t have brothers, someone in their life is usually like a brother to them. Brothers from other mothers are found in a best friend, a brother-in-law, or a cousin. They are the men in our lives we count on even when we don’t talk very often. We share memories, challenges that frequently.
The bond between siblings is naturally very strong. Growing up together, getting into trouble, playing games together, the competitiveness between you. Perhaps you have just one brother, perhaps you have lots – today, it’s time to reflect on the ways in which your sibling has enriched your life.
Brothers might not be as inclined as sisters when it comes down to hugging, sending flowers, or even remember about celebrations altogether. Brother’s Day celebrates the family – specifically, brothers. Celebrated on the 24th of May, it’s a great day to let your brother know how much he means to you.