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26th March: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

March 26 is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. It is a day to think up of a thing, person, animal, phrase, or food and create a holiday to celebrate it.

The unofficial holiday honors all made-up holidays past, present, and future and encourages people to come up with creative, quirky, offbeat, important, and significant things to celebrate, observe, and commemorate.

A holiday is a special day during the year, when normal, day-to-day activities such as going to school or work or opening up businesses are temporarily interrupted. On these days, other activities such as visiting places of worship, preparing special meals, and decorating homes and places of business are encouraged.

That celebration was shared with others, who in turn shared it with others, and an entire tradition was started simply because someone was looking for an excuse to have a little fun. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day invites everyone to share their excitement about their favorite things with others.

Holidays can be created to celebrate movies, foods, arts and crafts, medical conditions, and much more, and can serve as an opportunity to raise awareness, generate funds for charity, and generally bring people together about your favorite topic.

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