28th January: Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day on January 28th reminds us each year to review how our data is used. It’s an excellent opportunity to take stock and evaluate our personal cybersecurity.
Our personal data is collected and used through a variety of media and for numerous reasons. Part of the problem is most of the time, the people who have access to our data, don’t need it. Additionally, it gets redistributed legally and illegally. Thanks to the internet, massive amounts of personal data can be easily distributed. While the information may be out there due to our own carelessness or privacy violations, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.
- On any new device, set your privacy settings immediately. This includes new applications, social media, and programs.
- Never use unsecured WiFi – especially for banking or shopping.
- Keep your software up to date. Out of date software is vulnerable to hackers.
- Never give personal information over the phone, email, or text.
- Do not save your passwords on your device.
- Use virus protection and a firewall.
Millions of people are unaware of and uninformed about how their personal information is being used, collected or shared in our digital society. Data Privacy Day aims to inspire dialogue and empower individuals and companies to take action.
Hashtags: #DataPrivacyDay #cybersecurity #cyberprotection