29th December: Tick Tock Day

Tick Tock Day, observed annually on December 29th, reminds us to complete any unfinished business that might need addressing before the end of the year.

Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock… This is the sound of the year, and indeed your life, slowly slipping away. Every moment not spent living life to the fullest is another moment that is gone forever, impossible to reclaim. Tick Tock Day reminds you that the year is almost at an end, and there are things still left to be doing, and in fact, only two days left to do them in. Don’t let the year end with regret! Get out there and beat the Tick Tock!

As the end of the year approaches, many items call for our attention. Unfinished business usually needs to be wrapped up before the end of the calendar year. Things like larger business purchases and charitable donations for the tax year may need to be transacted before December 31st.


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