30th July: Share a Hug Day

Share a Hug Day was born out of tragedy one night when Mike Brundritt lost his wife and son in a terrible auto accident. With a dedication to turning anything negative into a positive Brundritt decided to share one of his families most important traditions with the world, that of giving and receiving hugs frequently and with abandon. He knew from personal experience just how life-changing a hug could be, and how a simple show of compassion like that in a hug can be exactly what someone needs in their life.
The best way to celebrate Share a Hug Day is by doing exactly what it says on the tin! Share a hug with someone who looks like they could definitely use one! If you’re feeling a need for a hug, or are just feeling down, then you can ask someone else to share a hug with you. Human touch is hugely important to our well-being, and hugs are one of the best ways to experience that touch platonically. Be sure to ask the person you want to hug or be hugged by if they’re ok with it, sharing hugs should always be consensual!