Key Takeaways from MIPCOM 2023

MIPCOM 2023 has come to a positive conclusion, leaving attendees filled with optimism and great expectations. But what happens after this event?

If you’re in search of a platform for your completed content, MIPCOM is the ideal marketplace. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with content buyers from all over the world. Furthermore, you can establish relationships with post-production and localization teams that can assist in adapting your content for different languages. Even if you’re without a finished product, MIPCOM can facilitate connections with potential co-production partners. The event provides access to a diverse range of contacts, including buyers, co-producers, distributors, and broadcasters. The networking opportunities and exposure gained in this market are unparalleled.

For newcomers to MIPCOM, like Prayan, here are some key takeaways.


Building new connections and expanding your network at MIPCOM is a fantastic experience. Meeting prospective clients in person adds credibility to your business that online meetings can’t match. It’s essential to maintain these connections through online communication and continuous follow-ups to make networking truly successful.

Prayan Animation Studio at Indian Pavilion attending Mipcom 2023


Attending the event might not be enough to leave a lasting impression. Consider placing ads in magazines to reach a wider audience that you might have missed during the event. This can help reinforce your presence in the industry.

IP Pitching:

If you’re a content creator or buyer, MIPCOM is the place to be. Content owners can connect with buyers from around the world and pitch their intellectual properties (IPs). It’s a great opportunity to find potential buyers for various genres and gauge where your IP stands. When pitching your IPs, keep presentations concise and engaging. Supporting your pitch with short videos can leave a strong impression on viewers, sparking their curiosity and creativity.

Mipcom 2023 Festival at Cannes

Meeting Minutes:

Keeping detailed notes of your meetings is crucial, especially when attending numerous meetings over the four days. These notes serve as a valuable reference, helping you recall discussions and facilitating effective post-event communication.

Service Pitching:

MIPCOM offers excellent visibility, particularly for service studios. Showcase your best work and highlight past client associations. Emphasize long-term relationships with repeat clients to boost your company’s credibility and provide strong references. When pitching your services, ensure you have a relevant portfolio or showreel to match the client’s needs.

We’ve gained valuable market insights through our participation in various conferences, panels, and sessions at MIPCOM. These insights will keep us well-informed about industry trends and guide our future business decisions.

Indian Companies at Mipcom

MIPCOM also provides a great opportunity for companies to expand into international markets by securing distribution deals in regions they might not have accessed otherwise.

These insights come from our MIPCOM experience. We invite you to share your own experiences in the comments below, and don’t forget the key to success: follow-up!

As MIPCOM wraps up, let’s gather the knowledge and lessons we’ve gathered from the event and apply them to upcoming animation events. Kidscreen and ATF are just around the corner, and they hold even more potential. Stay tuned to our upcoming blogs for more details on the Kidscreen event and ATF.

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