Why Indian Animation Studios are Best to Outsource?

Technological advancements have reduced the world into a global village, and animation project outsourcing has become the order of the day. Talking of animation outsourcing, India has become the leading destination for many companies across the world, and there are many reasons for this as we shall shortly see in this article. Companies such as Prayan Animation are becoming the greatest beneficiaries of technological advancements as they are now able to produce high-quality designs and animation services for companies in America, Australia, and Canada as well as across the world.
But why is India the preferred destination for animation outsourcing?
There are many reasons why India is believed to be the leader when it comes to animation, whether 2D or 3D. Below are some of the reasons that have been advanced:
Large English-speaking workforce
The diversification of the workforce in India has seen many animation professionals troop into the country. This is essential and necessary as it has helped improve the number of English-speaking workforces, a requirement that is vital for the animation industry. Professionals from across the world have moved to India, and this has benefited the animation industry as these workers can produce quality animation videos and designs, both in 2D and 3D.
Best animation studios
Without a doubt, India is among the countries in the world with the best animation studios. You will agree that the Indian entertainment industry is the second best in the world, after Hollywood. This should tell you the kind of animation facilities that India has. With these facilities, India becomes the best destination for animation outsourcing to countries across the globe.
Affordable animation services
I understand that you expected this to be the first reason why foreign investors are flocking to India for animation services. But you are right, even at number three, you must know that it is still a leading reason why many people are choosing India for their animation projects. India offers a great cost advantage, and many people are just unable to resist this. India provides the cheapest animation services, compared to other countries such as the USA.