On the 256th day of the year, the Day of the Programmer honors the innovators who continue to change the world, one program at a time. Also known as International Programmers Day, this day is celebrated based on binary code. The number 256 is distinct to programmers. Represented by an eight-bit byte 256 equals 2 to the eighth power.  This digit makes it the highest power of two that is less than 365.  When translated to binary code, the day reads 1 0000 0000. The day honors programmers around the world. There’s hardly a person in the civilized world who doesn’t benefit from the tools of the programmer. Whether we look toward transportation or medicine, finance or education, programming influences all them. Nearly every major business requires programmers to maintain their infrastructure from an IT standpoint. Telecommunications continues advancing thanks to programmers. The automobile industry relies on programmers for the latest brands to roll off the assembly lines. Security, society, and entertainment look to programmers for the latest in protection, design, and innovation. Computers, technology and software make the modern world go around – but for every piece of clever software, there’s a programmer (and often teams of programmers) behind the scenes, solving problems with clever code, cloud security solutions, and intense development projects. Spare a thought for these digital pioneers on Programmers’ Day

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