14th May: Dance like A Chicken Day

Dance Like a Chicken Day on May 14th encourages everyone to dance like a chicken! This day entertains from start to finish with people flapping their arms and strutting chicken-like. Everyone has probably danced theย โ€œChicken Danceโ€ย at least once in their lifetime. This silly fun song is popular at wedding dances, Oktoberfest, and other celebrations, too. The song gets people of all ages up and moving on the dance floor.
When is International Dance Day? Written in the 1950s by Werner Thomas, a Swiss accordionist, the Chicken Dance didnโ€™t even make it to the United States until sometime in the 1970s. The Chicken Dance is associated with polkas or oom-pah-pah music. Originally written with the nameย Der Ententanzย (The Duck Dance), rumors suggest the song was written as a drinking song for Oktoberfest. The songโ€™s title later changed toย Vogeltanzย (The Bird Dance).
Upon arriving in America in the 1970s, the song acquired choreography with repetitive beak, wing, and tail motions, as well as the new name, The Chicken Dance.

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