18th June : International Picnic Day

International Picnic Day is a made-up holiday that is celebrated annually on June 18. International Picnic Day celebrates gathering together outdoors to eat and enjoy one another's company, which has traditionally been called Picnic.  The true origin of International Picnic Day is unknown, but can be traced back to the end of the French Revolution and the Victorian Era.  Picnics were ways for people to escape the restrictions of etiquette and formality.  As an informal food holiday, there are few rules and lots of options. So, pack your picnic basket, hop into the car, or walk to a park or a picnic area and enjoy an outdoors meal by yourself or with your family and friends to celebrate this unofficial holiday. International Picnic Day is a day to commune with nature and enjoy a lovely summer day if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, who says you can’t picnic indoors? Just spread a blanket in the middle of your living room. Maybe even create a pillow fort and enjoy some time with your family!  

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