18th March: World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day recognizes the importance of a good night's rest for every human being on the planet. Taking place the Friday before the vernal spring equinox, World Sleep Day is a time to review our nighttime routines and consider making adjustments.
World Sleep Day is the annual observance of how sleep not only benefits but impacts our lives. The World Sleep Day Committee who founded this occasion is committed to educating the public on ways of lessening the burdens of sleep problems through prevention and management of sleep disorders.
Sleep is something all humans require but often gets shortchanged by our busy lives. Studies have shown how crucial proper night's sleep is to determining health and living a balanced lifestyle.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get an average of 7-9 hours of sleep per night. This number increases the younger you are. It’s estimated that 80% of people use the weekends to catch up on sleep.