1st Oct: International Day of Older Persons

2020: "Leave No One Behind"

October 1st of each year is dedicated to highlighting the contributions that older people make to society. The International Day of Older Persons is also observed to bring awareness to the aging population. Throughout history, older persons have played an essential role in society. They have been leaders, teachers, and caretakers. However, older persons are also very vulnerable. They often face discrimination, abuse, and poverty. The aging population has a significant impact on society. It also presents unprecedented challenges. One of the biggest challenges is healthcare. As people get older, their health tends to deteriorate. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of chronic diseases will increase. This includes cancer, dementia, obesity, and diabetes. There will also be an increase in the number of falls. Falling is the leading cause of injury among seniors. One other major challenge is a shortage of healthcare workers and caregivers. On the International Day of Older Persons, organizations that advocate for seniors promote the rights of the elderly. They also educate the public on the issues that older persons face. They encourage people to remember the contributions older persons make to society.
  • Give your grandparents a call
  • Help an older adult in need
  • Donate to a senior advocate group
  • Think about the contributions you want to make to society as you get older
Theme 2019: "The Journey to Age Equality" 2018: Celebrating Older Human Rights Champions 2016: Taking a Stand Against Ageism 2014: Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All

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