24th August: International Strange Music Day

Every year on August 24, International Strange Music Day is observed. The day is marked by playing and paying attention to music that you have never heard before. Participate in weird music to better deal with unexpected occasions in your life. So, on this International Bizarre Music Day, it's time to start listening to strange new music.
International Strange Music Day was created by Patrick Grant, a New York City musician. The premise is simple: to get people to play and listen to types of music they have never experienced before. The ‘strange’ part can mean either unfamiliar or bizarre – the choice is entirely yours.
Patrick believes broadening people’s musical spectrums can also change the way we look at other aspects of life – his mantra is ‘listening without prejudice.’ This growing movement has concerts, a record label, and strong support from summer schools, where it is appreciated as a great way to stimulate young minds.