Fantasy, imagination, and a little bit of pixie dust come together on June 24th in honor of International Fairy Day. These tiny supernatural creatures have captivated myth and legend for generations. Today the wee folk’s stories are perpetuated throughout animated stories, miniature garden displays, and children’s books.
In nearly every culture there is some reference to a spirit or spritely creature who performs good or evil deeds depending on its nature. Often, there are several manifestations of these beings, but never so many have been so intricately woven into the culture as those of the Celts.
When is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day?
There are the brownies and hobgoblins that barely resembled the delightful-looking fairies described in film and art today. They were, however, helpful little creatures, doing household chores and the tedious jobs that leave us mere humans weary at the end of the day
How to celebrate Fairy Day
Celebrate Fairy Day by participating in one of the many festivals and celebrations that have formed around the world to honor these mythical creatures. Or you can have a little festival at home by having a fairy-themed party with your friends and family! Whatever you do, don’t forget to honor the fae in your own home by leaving out a plate with cookies and a small portion of milk.
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