24th November: Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Accept your unique talent and celebrate it, no matter how quirky it is on November 24 or Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day. Everyone has at least one talent. In the busy world of the classroom we might not realize that the quiet student at the back plays the tuba, or the person in the front row can whistle through her nose. Our unique talents make us who we are. They show the world another side of us — what we like, what we can do, and what makes us feel good. Although there is no record of when this unofficial day began, clearly it has existed for all time, as everyone has a unique talent- even if they don’t know what it is! The history of Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day is as old as mankind, for we have all had our unique talents since the beginning of time. Think of the person who first had the mind to understand how some minor aspect of the world worked. Perhaps it was gravity (you know Newton wasn’t the first one), or a special understanding of how clay came together with sand and heat to create a material that would be used in its various forms throughout all of human history, ceramic. But even those who have less obviously useful talents should celebrate their unique talents.

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