Every year on the last Thursday of September World Maritime Day focuses on shipping safety, maritime security, and the marine environment. Maritime describes anything to do with the sea and ships. For example, the word refers to traveling and working on the ocean or military activity on the sea. International shipping accounts for more than 80 percent of global trade. Shipping is considered the most cost-effective and efficient method to transport goods. The international shipping industry is also important for sustainable green economic growth. The IMO headquarters hosts an event each year. Other activities include conferences, seminars, and luncheons. During these events, education on the importance of shipping is provided. Students are encouraged to visit maritime museums to learn about the history of the marine industry.

2020 Theme: Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the professionalism and sacrifice of the two million seafarers who serve on the world’s merchant fleet. Shipping has continued to transport more than 80% of world trade, including vital medical supplies, food and other basic goods that are critical for the COVID-19 response and recovery – but hundreds of thousands of seafarers face a humanitarian crisis as they have been stranded at sea, unable to get off the ships they operate with contracts extended by many months. This needs to be addressed urgently, through Governments designating seafarers as essential workers and ensuring safe crew changes can take place.

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