28th September: World Rabies Day

On September 28th, World Rabies Day brings healthcare experts together to spread awareness about rabies. They also find ways to prevent and control this deadly disease.
The United States, along with many countries throughout the world, observe this day. Even though rabies is 100% preventable, people around the world still die from it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 59,000 people die from rabies each year. Rabid domestic dogs cause over 99% of these deaths. About 95% of all rabies cases occur in Asia and Africa.
Rabies is a contagious viral disease of dogs and other mammals. Since rabies transmits through an animal’s saliva to humans, the virus is extremely dangerous. Rabies occurs on every continent except Antarctica. Education is vital for rabies prevention.
To observe World Rabies Day, make sure your dog’s rabies vaccination is up to date. Talk to your veterinarian about how you can detect rabies in wild animals. Some animals that commonly carry rabies include raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Cats and cattle can also get the disease. Educate yourself on dog bite prevention. Teach your kids how to be careful around dogs and other animals.
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#WorldRabiesDay #rabies #rabiesPrevention