6th May: National Beverage Day

National Beverage Day is observed annually on May 6 and this is a day to sit back, relax and enjoy your favourite beverage.
It may be hot, cold, blended, shaken, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, sweet, sour, smooth, dry, freshly squeezed, frozen, or any other type. The possibilities are endless! Everyone gets to celebrate their favourite beverage today! If your beverage contains alcohol, remember to drink sensibly.
When is Wine Day?
Whether your preferred beverage is a hot cup of tea, a delicious and healthy smoothie, or a tall glass of lemonade, Beverage Day is the perfect excuse to indulge yourself by drinking it all day long. Sit back, relax and celebrate the day with your favorite beverage. It could be anything from something as simple as water to a fancy cocktail.
This day encourages people to honor their beverages of choice and acknowledge that a humble beverage has the power to make or break many situations. A good beverage can energize you after a long, tiring day. It can also make a long, boring meal go fast, it can bring together two strangers, and it can make a party more fun