9th January: Static Electricity Day

Static Electricity Day is on January 9th. The observance explores static electricity and even how we may cause it. Static electricity is different from the electrical current carried by wires through a building or transmitted by the electric companies. Static electricity is produced when the positive and negative charges of an atom are out of balance. Static electricity occurs due to an accumulation of positive electric charges on an object's surface. The atoms of some materials hold their electrons tightly. These materials, such as plastic, cloth, or glass, are insulators. While electrons of these substances do not move very freely, the electrons of other materials, such as metal, move more freely and are called conductors. By rubbing two insulators together, we transfer electrons, causing positive and negative charges. Opposites do attract. Atoms with a positive charge become attracted to atoms with a negative charge. We can see the evidence if we rub a balloon head.  When we pull the balloon away, the hair clings to the balloon.

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